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Image by Matt Botsford

Deep Baritone 






The Human Voice is the Organ of the Soul

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Voice Over for Your Projects

About Elton E Jones

Elton E Jones

After acquiring a degree in architecture from The Ohio State University in 1973, I became an architect and practiced for thirty seven years until my retirement in 2010. I then started a new challenge in the world of voice over, where I discovered that many of the same elements that are required to design a building, also apply to transforming two dimensional words on paper into a living, breathing,  three dimensional vocal sound called - the Voice Over.


I am an African American voice-actor, in the tradition of James Earl Jones and Dennis Haspert. And after voicing and producing hundreds of voice over recordings within various genres since 2011, I have the talent, creativity and experience to help you tell and sell your story! 


Client/artist communication is essential in order to convey the client's message to their audience; with the key being attention to detail.


Imperative to grab and hold the listener's attention throughout the read.


The listener must receive a clear message from the client through the VO artist in a way that he/she "gets it".

Music Equipment

Equipment / Software 

  • Microphone: Sennheiser MKH-416 

  • Interface: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 

  • Software: Wavepad Sound Editor v19.05

Image by engin akyurt


Documentary - "The Pale Blue Dot " by Dr. Carl Sagan

Narration Demo - Various Styles

Radio Commercial - "Stalight" - Laid back style

Radio commercial - "PJ's Coffee" - Over the Top style

e-Learning - "Corporate Demo"

Medical Reads - Infectious Diseases

Biography - "Dr. Ronald E. McNair -  Astronaut"

Commercial Demo - Various Styles

Videogames -  Demo

Videogame Characters - Fire Breathing Dragon

Radio Tags - "Cool Jazz"

Character Voices - African Dialects


Image by Pasqualino Capobianco

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I get a quotation for my project?
    Send me a request via email which includes the approximate number of words, the genre and budget range.
  • How long does it take to work on one project?
    Turnaround time is typically 24-48 hours depending on the number of words in the script.
  • What is the average cost for one project?
    Average cost varies depending on the length and complexity of the script. After reviewing the script, I will give you a proposed fee that we both agree to.
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